A Vintage Year

Like wine, the calendar years can be excellent, fair, or poor, and difficult to predict what you’re going to get until you pull the cork and take your first sip.

My personal and creative life started out rich and full of flavor, but RA made some moments a little bit sour, like drinking wine with the lingering taste of toothpaste in the mouth. It flared more than usual and was a bit more temperamental, never allowing me to keep it on its leash. In the spring, it soared and dipped like the ocean waves; it continued rumbling beneath the surface all summer long, and was prone to fits of temper in autumn and winter.

But in spite of a few unexpected spills along the way, 2019 was a good year. I performed a once in a lifetime role on stage, and received an unexpected nomination for best actress in a community theatre; I graduated from the Writer’s Studio Program, started my first novel, and had an excerpt of my work published in a book. I went to my yearly writers festival and did the first public reading of my own work at a book launch. My oldest nephew turned three and I watched my youngest nephew enjoy his first Christmas. I spent time with friends and family, and took time out for my own self-care.  These were the things that overshadowed my disease, no matter how much it tried to steal focus, and I am grateful.

2020 is lingering in the vat, soaking up the skin of last year, and aging into a new vintage. There’s no way to predict how it’s going to turn out. All we can do is pair life with the right complements, find the balance, take the necessary breaks, and be kind to yourself. I expect there will be a few more spills along the way but in spite of that, I am looking forward to the taste of a new year, and the challenge of finding the right pairing to enjoy along the way.

Happy New Year. I wish you all a happy, healthy 2020.🥂♥️

8 thoughts on “A Vintage Year

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  1. Oh you had an amazing year. But the writing thing is not a surprise at all. You are an amazing writer and I cannto wait to read your book. Rock on J.G. !!

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